Jon Braun

Anita Maravillas Teatro

  • Spain
  • 50 Minutes
  • Age: 5+
  • Non Verbal

Everyone lives in a small Indian village with joy and happiness. But one day, suddenly, misfortune happens to the people. Jon Braun, a resident of the beautiful village, and his sister's lives are separated. Little Jon Braun stays alone. His sister never forgets him and never stops trying to find him when she’s away. The performance tells us the value of love and the power of family ties, no matter what happens to us, no matter what misfortunes we experience. In the performance, the story of the famous Indian Jon Braun in the song of children's song composer, Spanish Imanol Urbieta, is told in a delightful beauty in the west with full of love and adventure.




Date - Time Venue
16 March - 11:00 Dr. Selahattin Akçiçek Eşrefpaşa Kültür Sanat Merkezi
16 March - 14:00 Dr. Selahattin Akçiçek Eşrefpaşa Kültür Sanat Merkezi
17 March - 11:00 Ziya Gökalp Kültür Merkezi
17 March - 14:00 Ziya Gökalp Kültür Merkezi